
martes, 29 de agosto de 2023

    My Travels  

My sad reality is that I have not traveled so much so I have not known as many places as I want, I have traveled within Chile all my life but I have not gone to many places, and what to say, to leave Chile, I have never done it.

 With my family we have traveled to Calama, San Pedro de Atacama, Caldera, La Serena, Coquimbo, Constitución, Viña del Mar, Talca and Valparaiso, in fact we have been much more to Valparaiso and Talca, since we have family in those places, but not more than that.

With some friends we have traveled last year to the surroundings of Quintero and Puchuncavi, we visited the beaches, some them are, The beach “de los enamorados”, The beach “El trauco”, The beach “El caleuche”, The beach “El abanico”, The beach “Los rieles”, The beach “El durazno”. In quintero, and some others such as The beach “El tebo”, The beach “Cau cau”, The beach “Horcon”, The beach “Luna” and the more pretty The beach “Quirilluca”.

The Quirilluca beach, It has beautiful cliffs, which correspond to marine sediments of the "Horcon" formation, where fossils of cetaceans are found. It has the presence of wind erosion, which has been modeling its cliffs, which makes them wonderful to look at, and two caverns product of marine erosion, which are very large and beautiful, you can take very beautiful pictures on that beach.

martes, 22 de agosto de 2023

 My Life 

My name is Catalina Muñoz, I am a geography student at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the UCH, I had lived all my life in the commune of independence but a few years ago I went further to the periphery to Quilicura, I am just going to say that the traffic is horrible.

My maternal family is from Valparaíso and my father's is from Talca, so I don't have much family in Santiago apart from my parents and my maternal and paternal grandmothers, an aunt and her daughter. My two grandmothers came to Santiago when they were young to work or study, but the other family preferred to stay instead of coming to Santiago, which is why a large part of my family is both in Talca and Valparaíso, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc.

I also have 10 dogs, not all of them in my house but distributed in the houses that I have lived with my family, they all tell me that they are mine because I am the one who pampers them. The oldest is called Cachupin (11 years old), then Tolin (8 years old), Max (8 years old), Ahome (7 years old), Kirara (3 years old) and Matte (2 years old) and finally Kurama, Eri and Akira come with 2 years old now in August, they are the children of Kirara and Bobby who is a visitor that I also consider mine. 

I have two hobbies that entertain me too much, one is watching both anime , series, dramas, etc. and the second is reading. I really like to read books or manga on different themes, but the University this year has not left me much free time .