martes, 31 de octubre de 2023

A Little Bit of Chile 

When I was 15 years old, my godmother invited me to visit her in Calama, since she had moved there with her partner, on that trip I met San Pedro de Atacama and she took me to the moon valley, it was a trip by car and then on foot to get to the top and get to see the sunset before it disappeared, The good thing that we managed to get there and see how everything took colors between lilac, purple, and blue, plus some reddish tones, it was beautiful, it was there with my mom, my godmother and her partner, it was very beautiful because we spent a few days camping in San Pedro de Atacama and knowing other sectors, we also saw flamingos, it was a very nice experience.

Another place where I went and I would like to return is Talcahuano, since I went for a study tour and I feel that I got to know nothing, the truth is that I have traveled very little around Chile, I could say that even studying geography I only know between 10 to 12 locations but only specific places and without more detail since I have not traveled through them.

martes, 10 de octubre de 2023

 A job I would like a to do 

Although I am almost finishing my degree in Geography, I still don't know very well in which field to focus, but what I do have clear, is that in the future, not now but some years after graduating and having more experience in the world of geography, is to work in ecological planning and create ecological corridors.

(Ecological Corridors)

Ecological corridors are very important, as they help to connect fragmented habitats, connect protected areas and what I like the most is that they help to prevent wild animals from being endangered when crossing roads or other anthropic infrastructures.

There are different types of corridors, some of them are:

* Macro-corridors.

* Biological corridors

* Conservation corridors.

The ones that most attract my attention are the conservation corridors, since they help the movement of living beings, favoring the search for food and migration, thus being able to increase their numbers since they are not in so much danger from being run over.

This is of utmost importance as it also helps with the issue of global warming as wild animals seek and migrate to latitudes where living conditions are better and helps conserve biodiversity.

So I would be very proud if I got to work on it.

 My new reading 

In the last month of September I read two sagas that I liked too much, one of them is "the cruel prince" of Holly Black and the "Saga Acotar" of Sarah J. Maas.

Both stories are fantasy and romance, they are stories of something similar to elves and wars, but they are stories of enemies to lovers.

They are stories that I got to know through booktok (the book side of tiktok) I always wanted to read them, but just now that I bought a kindle I have started to read a lot more than in previous years.

The story I recommend is the "saga acotar" is a story that has five books and so far has totally captivated me, a story of love, heartbreak, war and destiny, but above all as aveces the family does not necessarily have to be the blood, but one chooses where your home is.

This saga tells the story of Feyre and Rhysand, and how they meet and heal together, as well as the possible war that is coming due to events in their world, as well as how they find their allies and future friends/brothers, unconditional family and to show themselves as one really is.

 My Last Blog This semester has been very complicated for me, many things have happened that have affected my mental health, but even so I h...