martes, 28 de noviembre de 2023

 My Last Blog

This semester has been very complicated for me, many things have happened that have affected my mental health, but even so I have enjoyed this "last semester" with my friends, this semester I give all my last courses of the maya, so if I do well and pass all my courses I should start with the practice and the preliminary draft of memory.

The courses that I liked the most were Planning and Land Management and the Mountain Environments Elective, others I didn't like much, another Elective that I took because it caught my attention, I felt that I didn't learn anything, because it always talked about the same thing and how it applied but I didn't feel that they changed their classes from the first class, it was literally always the same. 

My best moment of the semester were the moments I enjoyed with my friends, they are very nice people who support you in your worst and best moments. They are very good coworkers, they know how to organize themselves and share responsibilities.

I hope that my next semester will be my second to last semester, I really want to leave the university now, I feel that it is the most toxic relationship of my life, so I proclaim that everything will be fine and I will be able to leave soon.


martes, 21 de noviembre de 2023

 Day Practice

The page has different very interesting exercises, the ones that cost me the most were the listening exercises because I am still not used to the pronunciations, but I must admit that there are some grammatical orders that still confuse me about which word to put or in which temporality. But it will help me a lot to be able to practice with this page, thanks.

 Great Chilean Artist 

Some interesting people that I follow in social networks are two great Chilean artists, I started following them because I liked their music too much.

They are Denise Rosenthal and Camila Gallardo (CAMI), both artists have powerful songs, that try to show realities, struggles and ways to fight.

I started following them between 2018 or 2019, the first song I heard from Cami was abrázame, which appeared everywhere radios and tv, as for Denise the first song was Isidora appeared to me once listening to a music channel, but I already knew her from amango a tv series a few years ago. But they are not the songs I like the most.

Un lugar- Cami

 Mujeres - Denise Rosenthal

The song I like the most of Cami lately is un lugar, because I identify myself with the song, because at this moment I feel lost about what I'm doing, and as for the song I like the most of Denise is mujeres that she sings with ADIONE, I really like the part in which Denise sings because she says many truths and realities that women live.

Both are strong Chilean women with voice, they say and show the reality in their different songs. Each one has a strong opinion and does not remain silent. They express their fears, dreams and enjoy doing it and being themselves.

martes, 14 de noviembre de 2023

 I like camping 

The activity that I like the most at the moment is camping, the first time I went camping was when I was ten years old, with my dad and my mom, plus some other family members, with whom we went to the vicinity of a river near Talca, I do not know where exactly, because at that time I only went and did not ask where we were.

A few years later, with my dad we went to the Enladrillado in San Clemente, it is a very beautiful place.


In recent years, after leaving school, in 2019, we started a tradition with my group of friends, where we go camping to San Jose de Maipo, to my grandmother's plot, every year, in 2019 started, but in pandemic (2020 , 2021 and 2022) we could not do them because of possible contagions and fear, since my grandmother is of age, and we prefer to avoid risks, but this year 2023 we returned with the translation and now in the summer 2024, we already have planned to go again. 

Also this year I invited my friends from the university to go to see if something similar happens and we will continue to see each other after finishing our studies. 

(San José de Maipo, El Manzano)

I started to like camping mainly because I can do it in different places and with the people I want. And because my dad also has a tradition with his friends from college, where they also go to my grandmother's plot in the summers and stay for a weekend, doing different activities. 

And in a few days (this Wednesday the 15th), we are going to a plot of land by the race until Sunday, and we are going with my friends, so I know we are going to have fun and enjoy the places. 

martes, 7 de noviembre de 2023

 A place in Chile

Today I will tell you about a place where my family and I have been countless times, with my family we do not travel a lot, at most we go to Valparaiso, but not more than that.

But what I will always remember will be the times we went out and climbed the San Cristobal, I have gone on several occasions, with my cousin, my aunt, my mother, my father and my grandmother.

Once we went with my cousin and she almost gave up half way up, since we walked up. Another time we went with my aunt and my dad on bicycles, it was a nice experience.

The last time I went, we went up to the virgin with my mother, to pay a manda, it was a very hot day, but it was nice to go and enjoy the day, then we went to eat and walk around some sectors of Santiago.

Therefore, my special place would be the San Cristobal hill, more than important milestones have happened, it is because it is a place where I have been able to go with my family and share different pleasant experiences. This is in Santiago, it is a recognized place.

I like it because you can do different things there, there are cable cars, the zoo, the Japanese garden, and other places that are very nice and you can walk around it for most of the day. Besides, it is close to home and you don't need so much money to get there or do things there. But what I like the most is how you can see the sunsets from the highest point.

 A Family Member 

Today I'm going to write about my family and companions, regarding hobbies, I'll be talking about my aunt and my cousin, with them we share tastes regarding anime, manga and kpop, but also for books. 

My aunt likes to read manga and watch anime, because of her I knew this world since I was little, and I am very grateful to her, we both have a tattoo of my neighbor totoro, since we both love studio ghibli movies. 

With my cousin, we also share the taste of reading manga and watching anime, but also watching doramas (Korean series) and other countries like China and Thailand, reading books and kpop. I discovered that she liked them when she was a teenager, but from then on we never stopped sharing things to read or sending each other tiktok with news of our favorite idols or recommended books.

We have a group of wsp, ig and tiktok, to share things with each other, I really appreciate that we do this together, since I don't have family members my age or younger to share my hobbies with, and they are already older, my aunt is 36 and my cousin is 40. 

But with them it makes me very happy to share this.


I started to learn English since "elementary school", but it was never my forte, it has always been difficult for me to learn English.

But in the last few years I have realized that I know how to write in English more than what I understand listening and therefore speaking it is still very important for me, but I practice sometimes with duolingo or in some pages, but I must admit that writing blogs is something entertaining that I have been doing lately.

I have always thought that learning again is like teaching you to speak and write again, so it is something that should be taught as it is taught to young children, as there are people who learn easier that way, instead of teaching it in the conventional way, it is clear that English is a language that will be asked everywhere, so it will be extremely useful and especially if I want to travel.

In the last years of my life I have fallen in love with many cultures and places, which I want to get to know sometime in my life, almost most of them are Asian countries, but the few that are not from there are Spain and the USA, but in the USA, I only want to know San Francisco and New Orleans.

 My Last Blog This semester has been very complicated for me, many things have happened that have affected my mental health, but even so I h...