martes, 14 de noviembre de 2023

 I like camping 

The activity that I like the most at the moment is camping, the first time I went camping was when I was ten years old, with my dad and my mom, plus some other family members, with whom we went to the vicinity of a river near Talca, I do not know where exactly, because at that time I only went and did not ask where we were.

A few years later, with my dad we went to the Enladrillado in San Clemente, it is a very beautiful place.


In recent years, after leaving school, in 2019, we started a tradition with my group of friends, where we go camping to San Jose de Maipo, to my grandmother's plot, every year, in 2019 started, but in pandemic (2020 , 2021 and 2022) we could not do them because of possible contagions and fear, since my grandmother is of age, and we prefer to avoid risks, but this year 2023 we returned with the translation and now in the summer 2024, we already have planned to go again. 

Also this year I invited my friends from the university to go to see if something similar happens and we will continue to see each other after finishing our studies. 

(San José de Maipo, El Manzano)

I started to like camping mainly because I can do it in different places and with the people I want. And because my dad also has a tradition with his friends from college, where they also go to my grandmother's plot in the summers and stay for a weekend, doing different activities. 

And in a few days (this Wednesday the 15th), we are going to a plot of land by the race until Sunday, and we are going with my friends, so I know we are going to have fun and enjoy the places. 

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