martes, 10 de octubre de 2023

 A job I would like a to do 

Although I am almost finishing my degree in Geography, I still don't know very well in which field to focus, but what I do have clear, is that in the future, not now but some years after graduating and having more experience in the world of geography, is to work in ecological planning and create ecological corridors.

(Ecological Corridors)

Ecological corridors are very important, as they help to connect fragmented habitats, connect protected areas and what I like the most is that they help to prevent wild animals from being endangered when crossing roads or other anthropic infrastructures.

There are different types of corridors, some of them are:

* Macro-corridors.

* Biological corridors

* Conservation corridors.

The ones that most attract my attention are the conservation corridors, since they help the movement of living beings, favoring the search for food and migration, thus being able to increase their numbers since they are not in so much danger from being run over.

This is of utmost importance as it also helps with the issue of global warming as wild animals seek and migrate to latitudes where living conditions are better and helps conserve biodiversity.

So I would be very proud if I got to work on it.

3 comentarios:

  1. I remember reading about green corridors once, I think it's a wonderful idea, I love it <3

  2. Any contribution to conserving a natural world is always a good job to have.


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